Why should you switch from Jabber to Brosix?

If you’re a Mac user then whenever you see a new instant messenger tool, the odds are that you compare it to Jabber. It may not be a conscious comparison, but it is there. After all, why should you give up managing multiple contact lists in favor of 1 IM client? You are in search of a good reason. How about 3.

Reason One: Simplicity

If you do not have to manage 6 IM’s buddy lists (when was the last time you cleaned those out?) you will be less distracted. That means more time to devote to the people you actually want to communicate with.

Reason Two: Features

Features like file share, white board and audio chat without having to switch back and forth is very enticing.

Reason Three: Because you don’t have to switch

That’s right, you don’t. You can use Brosix for business and Jabber to play.

Food for thought.